Culinary Tour of Europe - Poland - Feb. 16th

This month we are bringing back our monthly Culinary Tour of Europe and our first stop is Poland. The menu will include:

  • Borscht

  • Galumpkis - Cabbage Rolls

  • Kielbasa - Polish sausage

  • Pierogies - Filled dumplings made by wrapping unleavened dough around a savoury or sweet filling and cooking in boiling water. They are often pan-fried before serving.

  • Halushki - a caramelized cabbage and noodles dish

  • Potato pancakes

  • Assorted desserts

This is an All You Can Eat event so make sure you leave plenty of room for all the delicious food prepared by our culinary staff as we get a little taste of Poland!

Cost for this month’s tour is $18 FOR MEMBERS AND $23 FOR GUESTS