Travel photos from Quebec City and beyond

Our Reading Liederkranz recent trip to Quebec City, the Eastern Provinces of Quebec, and the northeast Atlantic Ocean aboard the Norwegian Sky.  Lots of beautiful scenery, fantastic food and beverages, amazing entertainment, and fantastic friends who will remember and reminisce about this great trip forever!

The RLK Member's Mug Club is open starting September 15!

If you're a member in good standing at RLK you're eligible to purchase a spot in the RLK Member's Mug Club. This club gives you the opportunity to have your own numbered mug hung high at the club, ready for you to use any time you're there.

Some of the benefits of being part of the RLK Member's Mug Club are:

  • First mug of beer each day is on the club

  • Weekly giveaways of free appetizers and other food specials

  • Monthly giveaways of gift cards, merchandise, and more

  • Special Mug Club member events and tastings

  • Member’s Only club promotions

  • and much more coming

The Mug Club has a limited number of spots each year (100), so if we fill all the spots we will run a waiting list and those on the list will have first chance to buy any spots that come open at the next renewal.

Membership is $100 per year cycle, running from Maifest to Maifest each year.

Purchase your membership at the bar by completing the Member’s Mug Club form and paying for your membership starting at this year’s Oktoberfest Kickoff Party on Sept. 15.

Renewals for Mug Club memberships are due by Maifest each year, but since this is our first year, if you buy a spot now you will not have to renew until Maifest 2025.

This offer is good for a limited time only so don't pass it up.

Become a part of something special at RLK and join the RLK Member's Mug Club.  You can pre-purchase your mug spot starting at the Oktoberfest Kickoff Party on September 15th!

Mugs will be assigned and announced at the Mug Club Launch on October 11 so don't delay to reserve your spot today.

2023 RLK Cornhole champions

This year's RLK Cornhole teams wrapped up their season on August 31st with their end of the year playoffs. Members Brad Lerch and Brian Kanter of Drink It and Sink It took home the RLK Championship belts in our Competitive Division and brothers Derek and Dennis Bachman won our Friendly Division. Congratulations to both teams and a sincere thank you to all who participated in the 2023 RLK Cornhole season. Prost!